Islamic Arts Museum

Website : Click Here Entry Fee : RM 14 Google Maps Link : Click Here Islamic Arts Museum probably gets the best review from visitors amongst all museums in Malaysia. I can say it is well justified. This museum had 12 galleries on two floors, displaying artifacts from ancient Islamic civilizations around the world. The entrance to the museum Front desk Model of Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. It is believed to be constructed in 7th century and is the oldest Islamic structure that still retains its original design Model of Bibi Khanum Mosque in Uzbekistan, Selimiye Mosque in Edirne, Turkey. It was one of the finest architectural structure of the Ottoman Empire. Some of the earliest written Quranic texts Ewer, or Kendi in Malay. This is from Gujerat in India. Lattice window made of stone - a Mughal design Cloisonne vase, incense tool and incense burner from late 19th century China. Iron-red ballus...